Deep in a cave located deep in the forest Grumluch looked around. "This will be perfect for the new temple" he muttered as he walked around the large open room looking over it. From under his thick hide cloak Grumluch withdrew 6 large pouches containing a number of herbs and other assorted vile things. Slowly Grumluch began scattering the mixtures around the edges of the cave encircleing the great room in the dust of the vile poltice. Grumluch then went outside the cave collecting some sticks and logs from the forest floor dragging the heavy load into the cave center to concecrate the new temple with fire and smoke. With fint and steel he lit the tinder blowing on it to get the flame nice and hot. Once the flame was steady he dropped the hot tinder on the pile with a roar the wood started to burn filling the huge room with smoke and warmth. Grumluch dipped his hand in the first pouch takeing up a handfull of the dry posionous leaves and smiled crushing them in his hands. He dropped the leaves on the fire enchanting "with this posion I awake the eye of the great sleeping god Gruumish."Reaching into another pouch he took out a handfull of powdered elves blood. He dumped the powder into a small black bowl sitting infront of the fire and smiled. Then from beside him he pulled 2 of the pouches open dumping them into the bowl and mixed them with his fingers. Grumluch finished by emptying the remaining 2 pouches into the bowl and mixing it thorough.Quickly he stepped outside for the last time leading the human slave in by a thick chain from around its neck.Leading the poor starved human over to the fire he just smiled and withdrew his sword impaleing the poor starved thing on his huge great sword. With a twist of the blade the slaves life ended just as it had began in pain and misery. Grumluch smiles and slid his sword from the bloody corpse anointing it with the herbs and a small vial of magical oil from his cloak. "Lord gruumish hear my prayer I am Grumluch Cleric of the tribe of black fang. I offer you this sacrafice in your honor to sanctify this new temple." Grumluch took the corpse and hoisted it high above his head. He closed his eyes waiting for any sign of aproval from his god as he layed the desicrated corpse in the fire to burn. The smell of foul oils and herbs mixed in the air with the putrescent smell of burning flesh as the herbal circle around the cave began to glow a deep angry red. Grumush just grinned evily knowing his Lord was apeased and approved. He reached into the traveling pack and withdrew a thick rolled up piece of fabric. Slowly he unrolled the banner with a smile and hung it up on the wall. The jet black cloth contrasting like the black of night against the half closed red eye symbolising his god. "Now things are right and the temple is pure. It is time to go find followers and spread the word of Gruumish among this land.
ooc note: if anyone wants in on the temple story line get ahold of me and we can set something up im hopeing this one could be a long running story