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Postby Kobra » Wed Jan 21, 2004 12:08 am

Deep within the sheltering ribs of the earth,
I, who need not sleep, brood in corpse-like silence.
A pair of eyes fly open.
My eyes.
A voice whispers to the mind behind them;
My voice. My mind.
A smell drifts from the surface; she is in pain,
and more, there are things moving.
Threads of chaos creeping into my perfect tapestry of events, disrupting their pristine sequence.

No, this will not do; not at all.

Below he had sensed it; the rash of pain, the wounding of his elfling, his property, marked by a kiss upon her brow and a symbol they should all have seen by now. No mere scuffle, this, but a struggle of life and death; and a Demon's hands laid upon her.

He would suffer no rival.

Yet the one who had, perhaps unknowing, declared himself a foe to the hidden prince had fled from stalwart foes; and in defeat and flight, Seranos had unleashed many Things from ancient hollows where they slept.

Not Maelhim; mere demons, of some nameless breed, old and cruel and filled with hunger,
Feeding on Myrken's populace
on my precious cattle
who had before as placidly as a lamb before the blade
overlooked the vanishings
the silent culling
of the weak and the weary
the wounded and lost
and lived on unknowing
until now

An insult spat into the face of the one who slowly built his empire beyond the sight of men; a patient spider weaving a complex web, of moment after moment, event after event, each painting a picture of the future that was constantly changing, yet never out of his control.

Until now.

From the rumbling earth he had come forth in power and might for the first time in these lands; a Thing of rushing limbs, howling down long tunnels and tall, tearing stone with myriad claws, slithering tendrils, howling mouths. He had torn his flesh upon jagged stone, and cared nought for the streaming of blood on black feathers.

The utter audacity of a rival he had discounted until this night had driven a rare thing into him.

"Life is but a moment - Legends are forever."

- The Kobra
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Postby Kobra » Wed Jan 21, 2004 12:30 am

When the morning has come, it is to a grisly scene. A night Myrken will not soon forget, no matter how much some above and below the soiled earth would wish it.

For that night, Hell itself had seemed to open, and disgorge many foul beasts upon the town and the forests.

And while many had fallen to their tearing claws and hungry jaws, others had fought to defend Myrken Wood; and they had been graced...if such is the term...with an unexpected ally.

What it was none could say. It was huge, like a dragon, yet some said manlike, and others said it was a many-headed thing like a mass of great serpents; others gave it the horns of the Devil, and still others claimed they saw great wings spreading; black feathers falling in waves like burning cinders. A fallen angel, they said, an impure god.

Yet it moved for all its vastness with monstrous speed, twisting among the trees, and many bore the strange markings of its passage. Wherever it went it was assailed by the Demon's gifts to Myrken; yet it did not fall, but snatched the misshapen hellspawn up into its coiling limbs and crushed them, or hurled them through the trunks of trees, or tore them asunder in welters of blood and flame.

And all who gazed upon it or felt it pass were filled with, not fear, but an inexplicable, berserker fury; which availed some against their demonic foes but brought others to blind assault upon them, and consequent death.

It was as though the rage that filled that giant beast were so strong as to spill over into the hearts of others.


Like a mad dream, the night has passed, and the dawn has come. The demons and the colossus that battled them are gone; the crushed bodies of the lesser beasts mingle with the strange blood of the greater; for wherever it has been spilled, the earth and trees are charred, yet frozen over with a layer of blue, translucent frost; so cold it burned, so hot it froze.

And there is only one sign of where it has gone; for not far from the town itself, trees are toppled, and the remains of a vast hole blasted in the earth. The tunnel beyond is collapsed, leaving only a depression in the ground where the hole had been. But still it lingers; spatterings of ice and scorch, and a strange, sweet smell about the hole.

Incense, dark roses, and the faintest bite of blood.
"Life is but a moment - Legends are forever."

- The Kobra
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Postby Kobra » Wed Jan 21, 2004 10:33 am

((N.B: Please feel free to post characters' reactions on this thread if you'd like - the more the merrier!))
"Life is but a moment - Legends are forever."

- The Kobra
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