No Faith Without Answers

Re: No Faith Without Answers

Postby Jirai » Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:35 pm

There was nothing off-hand about that question, no matter how simply she had delivered it. She spun her cup around between tattooed fingers, watching the liquid inside ripple.

"I had not either, until recently. I suspect, though, that I have been there a time or two more and simply not remembered. I have seen Mekarie Sparrow there, in that City, and I have seen Elliot, too. Elliot in truth, not the abomination the mind-witch created."

She paused for a moment, considering, and then continued.

"It might have been the Sparrow could have done something to you. Or perhaps her presence was coincidence."
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Re: No Faith Without Answers

Postby Serrus » Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:38 pm

She spoke of things he could not relate to, at least in the dreaming sense. Speaking of seeing others in a Golden City, names he recognised but knew nothing to do with dreams he had, what few he could remember, if any at all. A strange thing, considering it was an occurrence so often talked of among others, especially those he was familiar with, and those he was not. Dreams seemed to be a very common topic, even among the usual naysayers, yet he seemed to be the only one who did not have these dreams. Why only him?

You can't truly believe that everyone is wrong, Nova had protested to him. It is summer. She had said those same words when he could not believe what others were claiming, and now talk of this 'Golden City', something he'd never seen nor heard. If there was no connection, it was a uncanny coincidence.

"I never 'ad such dreams," he admits begrudgingly. "Most my dreams are oft' 'bout things I don't like to remember."

He thought for a moment, hard, recollection nothing but a cloud of fog, and in his mind's eye he watched a blood red moon streak across the sky, saw a bloodied wolf wrestling a great stag, and from somewhere came a whispered name, beyond his reach, and he heard a man scream. He blinked for a time, drinking the last of his hippocras.

"I tried to kill that one," he remarks to Niall with great disregard, as if murder were a word as carefree as 'wind' or 'rain'. "The mad woman. The Sparrow. Would've snapped that scrawny neck of 'ers too, if it wert for some northern slag tryin' to stop me." A sigh escapes his lips. "Oh aye, I've delved in my fare share of bloodletting, mark my words. Sure you've done a few o' them hexes of your own, too. But this.. this was summat else. A rage... Like summat below. Summat I ain't felt in a lifetime. I saw her in the flames, too..."

It was at this point he realises his own words have wandered, and they taper briefly off into silence.

"What about t' other?" he says. "...Catch." Do not name devils. Names have great power, for naming calls. For all he knew, it was certainly not the spawn's true name, anyhow, but even so, the name tasted bitter on his mouth.

"Y'think he could've done summat like that? Mess with a man's mind, and turn him mad?"
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