He might protest more, might make desperate appeals to reason, but the sight before him steals his words, steals his thoughts; the wall at his back is hard, rough through the fabric of his nightshirt, pressing bruises against his bones as he shrinks back from the nightmare before him; the dirt floor is grit and coarse sand against heels that scrape across it in his unthinking effort to escape, retreat; it feels real, it feels real, and yet the awfulness before him cannot be, must not be so.
They-It cautions him, rebukes him even as they loom closer, even as they swell monstrously. He would beg them to stop, would plead for them to let him go, would swear to whatever their demand; he would, but fear has stolen his words, has dashed aside his reason, and patient Words roil and slither from their prison behind his breastbone, unfurling in his throat and seething at the base of his tongue. Cruel light and furnace heat sears his back he opens his mouth to shout, to wail in horror--
Cherny awakes amid a tangle of sweat-drenched bedding in silence and darkness; his heart hammers against his ribs, the roar of vast bells in his ears.
Behind numb and tight-pressed lips, a dying echo of Song still shivers in his teeth.