Each folded letter was sealed with a dollop of depressed red wax. The uneven wax had been stamped by way of poorly-carved wooden ring, a thing whose pattern had been etched by a very careful sewing-needle in the likeness of a disproportionate bird with a sloppy 'D' across it. If, of course, examining it so closely was even possible given the writer's lack of mastery for formal letters.
i did not knew hose office it was beast to derect this request too so in the interest of edspedition i thougt to send one to governor, marshall, and counsilwomen please to ignore if it is outside of your ekspertise,
i am tryeing to see if it is on record where the birth home of one ELLIOT BROWN is for out of consern for him i would liek to visit what family he has that remrains to discusse some personal matters of his and ours
i may be reached by corraspondence at DARKENHOLD or room at the BROKEN DAGGER
glour'eya wynsee, seamstress and loyal MYRKENER
Scribbled on Ariane's letter, an additional post-script:
i have taken the time to make a seal i have to scrape it out each and every time i use it but maybe you will see how nise it looks, this Standard thing is very hard but I AM GETTING A HANG OF IT as they say and also
thank you for your kind words many days ago, i look forard to to to tea and our ONE OR TWO LESSON, your friend, glour'eya