A Formal Request of Records

A Formal Request of Records

Postby Rance » Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:06 pm

All three letters might have arrived the same day, one for GOVERNOR GLENN BURNIE, one for COUNSILWOMAN AGNISKA KAZMERRIK, and the final for MARSHALL ARIANE EMORY. The parchment was of Darkenhold stock, faintly yellowed but perfectly cut.

Each folded letter was sealed with a dollop of depressed red wax. The uneven wax had been stamped by way of poorly-carved wooden ring, a thing whose pattern had been etched by a very careful sewing-needle in the likeness of a disproportionate bird with a sloppy 'D' across it. If, of course, examining it so closely was even possible given the writer's lack of mastery for formal letters.


i did not knew hose office it was beast to derect this request too so in the interest of edspedition i thougt to send one to governor, marshall, and counsilwomen please to ignore if it is outside of your ekspertise,

i am tryeing to see if it is on record where the birth home of one ELLIOT BROWN is for out of consern for him i would liek to visit what family he has that remrains to discusse some personal matters of his and ours

i may be reached by corraspondence at DARKENHOLD or room at the BROKEN DAGGER


glour'eya wynsee, seamstress and loyal MYRKENER

Scribbled on Ariane's letter, an additional post-script:

i have taken the time to make a seal i have to scrape it out each and every time i use it but maybe you will see how nise it looks, this Standard thing is very hard but I AM GETTING A HANG OF IT as they say and also

thank you for your kind words many days ago, i look forard to to to tea and our ONE OR TWO LESSON, your friend, glour'eya
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Re: A Formal Request of Records

Postby Glenn » Mon May 06, 2013 5:53 am


A marked map is included. My suggestion is that you speak to an uninvolved citizen from a farming family before bringing tidings, good or otherwise, to the Brown family. This would best prepare you for the possible reactions you may receive and to decide whether or not it is a good idea. Dulcie Miller is not a bad choice for such things in general as I see you've mentioned the Dagger but I imagine you've come to meet more than a few such natives by now.

Governor Burnie
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Re: A Formal Request of Records

Postby Rance » Mon May 06, 2013 7:21 am

The map was exquisitely detailed in its haste. She examined it for a few minutes, tracing her fingers along the little ink roads. It was organized, well-keyed, and clear -- even she, with such little experience reading maps, imagined trotting Caliir past the landmarks and farms underneath her fingertip.

She knew it should be enough, but she could not resist the urge to return the Governor's courtesy by offering a bit of her own. She folded the map and shoved it into a crumb-filled skirt-pocket, then put charcoal to parchment once again, scraping words with haste.


Thank you for the map it will be pute to very good use and while I beleave the Widow Miller would hafe wonderful advice I fear I have inavertedly ensulted her recently, so i will defer daferr to others or in turn be vary careful with Widow Miller should i must speak to her and I will take your advice to heart


there is another thing i must speak to you about,

please if we could speak in person i would be most grateful in my chest i hafe a pain that comes from the greatest fear, you well know i am a JERNO but also a MYRKENER as proven by

one, i am doing my arithmatic with Mna. Olwak very well i am an attentive pupel
two, Mna. Janessa has me in volunterry employ at the Hospital for handseaming gowns and occasienal skullery duties
three, my lessons with Msa. Duquesne are growing in challenge but he will say i am a wonderful student
four, the marshall and i are fast friends

so when i say it is with legitimit terror: i fright that a terrable thing is on the horizon for myrken wood, i hafe dreamed of it, and also it promises a fate for you sir, but a letter cannot help but make me seem like a mad and paraneed girl so it must be spoken like Duquesne has taught me

please if you would gift me one our of your time soon i will not waist it


glour'eya wynsee
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Re: A Formal Request of Records

Postby Glenn » Mon May 06, 2013 12:38 pm


My next few days will be taken up with matters of state. Fortunately, your needs here dovetail nicely. It was Rhaena who insisted I send along the map so you may talk to her both about your concerns and about Elliot Brown if you so desire. You can tell her anything you would me. In fact, I insist you do just that.

Governor Burnie
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Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:00 am

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