Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Glenn » Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:27 am

One would think that Elliot might chafe at the idea of Lady Olwak serving the tea, but of course that was her prerogative. One lovely thing about having properly established roles in life is that though on the very top of the chain could deign themselves willing to do something below their station if it fell into specifically defined scenarios. For instance, while it was most proper for a servant of some sort to pour the tea, in this moment, as hostess Lady Olwak could as well. She also could have asked he to do so as her knight or Miss Whelp as the guest. It made life so much richer to have such roles and responsibilities. Hopefully, Miss Whelp would come to realize that soon.

Lady Olwak laughed at the line about the dress and Elliot's cheek went a little red, but he at least managed a smile. It was very easy for him to manage smiles. Being pleasant was another virtue and one of the most important, especially in his Lady's presence. Now that they were all at the table, he smiled pleasantly, and after the others took a sip, he would as well, carefully, with the flourish of someone who truly, deeply enjoyed it. Then, as the two ladies spoke, he was quiet. Elliot Gahald, at a tea party, was to be seen as handsomely as possible, and not to be heard unless spoken to.
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Guppy » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:06 am

It was good that the Lady did not ask for Whelp to pour the tea, lest she be wearing it. When the tea was poured, Whelp found that her skin no longer burned from the feel of chaste lips against it. That being the case, greedy hands moved to pluck tidbits from the waiting plates. She ate like one accustomed to limited means. Like one that intimate knowledge of the pangs of starvation. Quick fingers shoved the cookies, cakes, and sandwiches into her mouth with limited chewing and little regard for taste. Though, when she took note of the lack of intake on their part, her tempo slowed. Wiping greasy fingers upon her napkin, she instead reached for the now-filled tea cup and sipped at the heated liquid delicately before replacing it upon the table.

The compliment from the woman made her eyes narrow slightly, but she nodded politely. It was as if the words rang false to her ears. "Elliot looks fetching in anything, dress or no," she mentioned, quite honestly, as if that were common knowledge. "I, however, prefer his old attire," she mentioned, with a glance towards the Knight. "I lived within the tavern until Elliot forgot himself. Since I stayed there on his coin and generosity," she added, eyes returning to fasten upon the Lady's features shrewdly. Everyone knew that Elliot had changed and most everyone attributed that to this woman. Whelp sought to capture her in her lies.

At mention of her darkness, she lifted her shoulders in a shrug. "It is dark, that is true. Be wary of what you speak, though, unless you would like to meet It," she warned, softly. Not hungry any longer, she moved to push her plate a short distance away. Instead, she curled her fingers against the teacup again and pulled it to her lap. The heat was welcome. The room felt suddenly very cold. Solena and Catch's warnings rang in her head.
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Jirai » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:22 am

Rhaena's own teacup was cradled gently within gloved hands as she watched the younger woman devour the dainties with a smile that grew brighter as Whelp adjusted her speed of consumption. At that point, the gowned lady took a bite sized cookie for herself.

"I will speak to sera Miller," she said calmly, "We shall ensure that you have a room once more. As I said, living in the woods is hardly appropriate for one so lovely as yourself." Rhaena hardly looked to be someone who could effect such a change, it must be said.

"And," she added with a calm smile, "We shall find a solution for your demon as well." Demons were, after all, also quite inappropriate for such a lovely girl.
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Glenn » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:36 am

Some of this was obviously news to him. It made no sense. Why would the Witch have him portrayed doing a kindness. Up until now, she had seen it so the people of Myrken saw the false Elliot as a thief, a disrespectful scoundrel, a rogue and a womanizing little brat. This was a strange exception. Oh, she'd made Miss Nova care about him, of course, but not be outright reliant upon him. Miss Whelp, though, was harmed directly by his return.

You remember speaking with your first Inscribed Witch, pinned as she was to a tree with your sword. It was your first kill as well, but she was refusing to go slowly. She was attempting a death curse upon you. This is why they must be killed carefully. Sir Gahald had taught you how to protect yourself from these curses, to hold a person you valued and believed in to your heart and focus upon them instead. That warmth and affection would help to protect you. You were expecting that and were thus thinking of Lady Olwak and how she had saved you out of the kindness of her being. The Witch however cackled, perhaps seeing your protection, and used words instead. She spoke how they first took this land centuries ago, how they brought down the great kingdom by spreading out and casting their twisted spell. They turned good men into enemies and created victims out of the valorous. You saw that she told you solely out of the desire to hurt you somehow, to brag and thereby to show you the hopelessness of your situation. It did not work, but that moment would stay with you and you would remember always how much joy she seemed to take in the creation of such victims and their utilization as weapons. You knew she would have done that with you if she could.

Elliot blinked for a moment, taking a breath. This was a tea party, a civilized place to show proper manners and poise. He was upset, yes, but in sipping his tea he found a wonderful peace and smiled to them once again. "If I knew of your plight upon my return, I would have made sure to see to your," a slight pause as he tried to find the right phrase. It was always easier with Lady Olwak near him. "continued lodging. I know a thing or two about the darkness, Miss Whelp. I have fought it for years. I think that if you are treated like a proper lady and if you are given reason and reward to act like one, you'll find that the demon inside of you will have far less sway. Really, you just have to listen to Lady Olwak and trust in her. I am certain she wishes to build you up where this demon only wants to tear you down."
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Guppy » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:58 am

The continued mention of her beauty did not sit well with her and Whelp shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Compliments were not often leveled at her and she knew not how to respond to them. The Lady stepped over the girl's efforts to trip her up and instead, told her that there would have to be another room for her at the tavern. The outward kindness was a bit of a surprise, to be certain. "I could have lodgings if I worked for it, she said," the girl admitted. "I couldn't think of anything that I might be good at," shoulders lifted in casual disregard of her own usefulness.

When Elliot spoke up, her eyes touched upon his features and she could not help but soften a moment. "I would not have accepted. I left of my own accord, not because I was asked to leave. I did not want your money." She almost felt a little guilty at slighting the boy. She felt that she had to explain herself. "How could I accept, when you do not see me as friend any longer?," she questioned.

The mention of the demon made her frown. "I would not know how to live without It." It was like a security blanket in tough times. Her fiendish protector. "I don't think that we could be separated. It is the only thing keeping me from death." It needed her and she needed It. That belief was genuine, thought certainly could be product of It's poisonous teachings.

Elliot knew darkness, he said. Fought against it. "Why would darkness slip away if I were to wear dresses and comb my hair? It lives in all of us, some more than others." Her eyes flickered over to the Lady Olwak in pointed manner. "The others think that you have done this to him. Why would you do such a thing?," she asked, softly. Ignoring the boy for the moment. "Elliot Brown was unlike anyone that I met before. He was both vicious and kind. He flirted with darkness and burned brighter than us all. Now, he is so happily caged. It brings me to tears to see him like this," she admitted, her gaze pleading with the woman. "Surely there is something that you want more. Free him and I will get it for you. It will get it for you."
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Jirai » Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:48 am

"If you would prefer work instead I am sure we could find something suited to your talents and abilities, my dear." Rhaena said, approval on her face and in her voice for such a desire. There was a glance for Elliot, a small thing, and then back to Whelp.

"It is natural to be afraid of change, young sera." The governor's lady continued. "You have lived with your demon for such a long time, after all. To be rid of it would be a large change indeed, but quite worth it. And I am sure you could be seperated, though it might be difficult to do so." A sip of her tea. "Tell me, is it the demon that makes you think this thing impossible?" She asked curiously.

"Ah, Elliot is correct, of course. Think of it this way: does cleanliness harm a spider? Of course not. But when things are tidy, there are fewer shadows and corners for a spider to spin its webs. I dislike spiders immensely."

Then the young woman in continuing on, discussing Rhaena's knight, and the gowned woman shot her a curious look over the rim of her teacup. "Others? What others?" She asked, perplexed. "I assure you, Elliot is quite free to do as he wishes." But let him speak for himself. She looked at the young knight with a smile.
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Glenn » Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:01 am

"It may be possible that you are reliant on the demon on some level. Such magic is known," Elliot was serious now even as she spoke of him such a way. "I think it may be possible for Lady Olwak to give you more leverage against such a need though. He was rather awed by her description of the darkness and the spiders. That was very clever and revealing. Everything Lady Olwak said was, of course, but this was especially so. He had to keep the doting look off of his face.

Miss Whelp's words about Lady Olwak herself put a much sharper look on his face. "She's gone too far." The Witch, of course. It was one thing to try to make a scoundrel out of himself, but now she'd painted Lady Olwak in such a light. He was about a step away from righteous fury, not against Miss Whelp, of course, but certainly noticable by her. Instead, though, thanks to the setting of the tea party, thanks to Lady Olwak's presence, he just swallowed and somehow maintained his composure, mumbling a low apology and listening to the two finish this part of their talk.

"Look at the opportunity I have, Miss Whelp. Lady Olwak has been so kind to me and now I can help my homeland when it truly needs me and I can do it as part of something larger. I know what it's like to live out in the wilderness too, and she provides succor and the assistance I need to do what I must to help people. That's all we wish to do, Miss Whelp, to help the people and the land we care about. I want us to be friends again. I want us to help you gain control over the demon instead of the other way around." The words were full of passion and an earnest nobility. He was staring at her, right in those eyes, as if trying to keep It away through his will alone, as if to hold it at bay so that they could replace It with his Lady, with the promise of a new life in pretty dresses with compliments and enough to eat every single day. "We could work together to make a better, more beautiful world. What could ever be better than that?"
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Guppy » Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:37 am

Oh please, do tell her what it is that you excel at, little whelp. The chortle sounded within her head.

"I do not know about work. I can hunt small prey. Mostly with traps. I can skin them and gut them." Certainly not polite conversation to be had over tea. She was certain that the kitchen had plenty of meat to prepare on a daily basis, thanks to Niall and Kacela.

The Lady's mention of fear of change made her frown. "Where would I be without It to protect me? Where would I be without the daily courage to stand up to It?," she asked. "It tells me nothing. I mentioned my theory to It, but It just laughs and does not confirm nor deny." It allowed her thoughts to run wild, nudging her in certain directions whenever it would benefit the creature. "I was told to be wary, for you might seal away the creature. You might take away the very fiber of my being. It dares you to try," she offered, solemn.

Shadows and spiders. Whelp made a mental note to find all the spiders in the forest to release them within the Lady's home. It was a prank that would have made the old Elliot proud. Rhaena's refusal to admit her guilt made that brow furrow. "All of the others," stubborn refusal to inform the woman of her conspirators. Elliot's fury was noted with mild interest and a distinct lack of fear. He settled quickly and the wildling shot him a seething look at how rapidly he found peace.

He pleaded with her to understand. He told her of their plans to better Mryken. He welcomed her into their fold and she bared her teeth in a sneer at him. "Elliot was everything that your precious Myrken strives to be. He was brave and foolish. Angry and headstrong. Flawed and honest." It did not befit a young lady to raise her voice, but here they were. Palms pressed flat to the table and pushed her to her feet. She leaned over the table and spoke to him, eyes flashing. "You aim to to make this land toothless and weak. You claim nobility, but your darkness just hides a little better than mine does. Your darkness looks down upon mine, but it the same."

You are wasting your breath, child. I told you, our Elliot is not here. Look into his eyes. Can you not see?

Whelp stared at the boy, hoping for a scrap of recognition. Anything at all.
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Jirai » Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:37 pm

"Furs are lovely things, Miss Whelp, and I've no doubt that you could earn your way with them. You would, of course, need a set of clothes more suitable to woodswork - no sense ruining a nice dress - but that can be arranged." A sip of tea before she continued.

"Perhaps it takes more courage to step free of it. To protect yourself," the gowned woman suggested. "But you have nothing to fear from me, young sera." The rest of her words, though, were for Elliot, and it was to Elliot that Rhaena Olwak looked.
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Glenn » Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:50 pm

"You would find the courage in the companionship of others," he began, his smile steady, even pleased at the thought of it, "around tables such as this, enjoying one another, through civility and through light. If we all work together, Miss Whelp, we can push back the darkness. I know we can." His tone was so hopeful, so idealistic, so caring as well.

When the Lady Olwak mentions trapping he nodded, when she mentioned such attire, he smiled. There were those who were meant to serve and thanks to her talents and how well she cleaned up, Miss Whelp could straddle that line; she could serve during the day, fetching those furs to provide the finest materials for clothes to be made and at night, she could enjoy the balls and pleasant conversation that was to come. It was a very fortunate position to be in. She just had to embrace it.

Now, though, she was staring into those eyes, her words harsh and her gaze intent. She looked for recognition and she would find little from him. What she would find instead, however, was the familiarity of him. There was nature and there was nurture; one was changed, the other not. She'd seen that in the way he stood up to It on his first night with her again, the same message her old Elliot had given It, just from a different angle. She'd see even more than that now; she'd see the boy who ran away to become a knight, the boy who had burned the bodies of his dying knights, of his fellow squires, so they would not rise up. That loss was still in him and she could find it in his eyes better than anyone. He was still Elliot Brown. He was just an Elliot Brown who had been dragged down another path. It was from the end of that path that he smiled back to her from. "Miss Whelp," his voice was kind and patient and ever caring, like it never was to her while he was himself, "what you speak of? You describe a child. That is the Myrken Wood you describe. It, like all things, must learn to grow up, as I have, as we all do eventually. We do not have to grow up to be toothless and weak. No, it's not like that at all. We can grow up to be strong and disciplined and dignified and good and brave. All of these things. We just have to take that step away from what is safe and familiar. I know you can, Miss Whelp. We'll help you through it, we will."
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Guppy » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:21 pm

The young woman stared at Rhaena with such mistrust in her eyes, that it was startling. Her gaze was akin to the curs that roamed the town's streets at night, looking for scraps. The ones that had known nothing more than violence from Man and could not trust again. They wanted to, for they were born and bred for Man's entertainment and protection, but they dared not. A few kind words and a belly full of scraps might have been enough to stay a mongrel's teeth, but Whelp was a different animal. She remembered. She could not forgive. It was something that seemed to be ingrained within her. It likely came from her buried past. "You would change us all to suit you, my Lady. You will bind the darkness until we all follow you blindly, like happy little children. Tell me that I err in this assumption," she insisted, eyes flashing.

Elliot's insistence that she could find courage in friendship made her scowl at him. "I have. I had found it. With Niall, the one you call witch. The one who loved you most of all. The one you condemn to solitude after your kiss," she almost choked on the word, but gritted her teeth and kept going. "With you and with Gloria. With Cherny." Her few treasured friends. Those she would lay down her second life for.

She caught Elliot's gaze and frowned. She came around the table to kneel beside him, reminding them both how little manners she knew. Her hands moved upwards, trembling, to seek his cheeks again. Staring into his eyes and seeing the little scraps of Elliot Brown that were left. He did not know her, as he had before. Their interactions had been limited, but there had been a bond (likely to his chagrin). He was Elliot, but the layers had been peeled away. Different ones were added that did not make sense to her. She could not help but test him. "Just how many ghosts follow you, Elliot Brown?," she asked, echoing a question that had been difficult for him to answer when they first met.

He told her that he had grown up, he had changed. Her eyes fell away for a moment and she blinked back tears. "I do not think that I can follow you on this path, Elliot. I do not belong in this world. I will be forever haunted by my death and that is more difficult to escape than than creature." Still, she moved to lean forward to capture his lips in a kiss that was far from chaste. Perhaps it was her farewell. Her apology for not being able to bring him back. It was quick and violent before she broke away. Vaguely angry. "Tell me, Lady, is he happy at least?," she asked, licking lips warmed by his, if she had managed the action. Her hands would fall away, numb, from where they had been buried in his hair. She climbed to her feet and stared condemnation upon the Lady.

It was as if a ripple passed over her body. Pale eyes were consumed by darkness and the smile on her lips went as smooth as molasses. Is it even possible for Toothless here to be happy? She rather liked the nickname. It seemed that the whelp wasn't completely useless. Cleverer than she suspected. There was a low whine in the air and a chill pressed against the air in the room. The birds in their cages likely tossed themselves violently against the metal bars of their cage, shouting their panic. The dark red rune on the back of the girl's neck glowed deep red and a foul, visceral fear of something primal itched at the backs of their necks. The ancient corruption, power only limited by the mortality of the human it chose, gazed at them and grinned a shark's smile.
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Glenn » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:46 pm

Elliot couldn't help but glance to the Lady Olwak during Miss Whelp's comments about her friends. Of all of the Inscribed Witch's victims, this was the most tragic. Obviously the demon was placed within her by this Niall's hand, but she was also the most loyal of the Witch's servants, damaged more than anyone save for maybe the woman Nova. Most people only had the spell to deal with, but Miss Whelp also had the demon inside. This is what he was dealing, bravely, with every day and now the Lady Olwak would see it first-hand. Hopefully, she could help. Even if not, he would be endlessly patient for this poor girl's sake, this poor girl who cleaned up so very well.

Then his eyes were back on hers, endlessly deep. Once he'd been helpless but to fall into hers. Now, though, did she fall into his? How many ghosts? Once he had a hard time answering. Now it was earnest, honest, true, and yes, so very difficult, but also said without hesitation. "Many, Miss Whelp, many. Friends. Mentors. Those I could not save. Those I could not help," and she spoke again, her farewell. He was still gathering his thoughts, though. It had not been hesitation, just a search for preciseness. "That is why, I assure you with all that I am, I will not fail again. I will give my all to protect the people here, and to protect you. If you walked without the demoness, know that I would not let you fa.."

And it was there, with his mouth open mid-word, that her kiss would come. His body's instinct was to return it, and for a moment, he almost did, but he was a being of control and propriety. It meant that when she drew back, it may be without much satisfaction, save for leaving him red and stunned. It meant he had no words for whatever It had to say.
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Jirai » Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:48 am

Whelp had mistrust in her eyes. Rhaena's gaze was calm, her smile sweet. Not sickeningly so, just honestly happy. "We were bound by darkness once. We much prefer light." She took another sip of her tea as the young woman spoke to the knight, a hint of disapproval entering her expression as Whelp knelt before Elliot. That was hardly appropriate, after all. Even less appropriate was what followed, and Rhaena Olwak set her teacup down on the saucer with a very precise clink as the demon spoke and sent her pretty songbirds into terror.

"That," she said, considering the girl-turned-demon, "Was quite rude."
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Guppy » Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:45 am

Gazing into the young man's eyes was difficult. Perhaps the radiant splendor that suffused from the depths of his gaze would have made her catch flame and burn from the inside out. It would have been a near miss, except for one thing. One very important, very angry thing that snapped up the light as soon as it entered her gaze. The battle between good and evil was as old as time. Sometimes, Whelp wondered if It had been there, at the beginning. If that was the reason why It could not be swayed by Elliot's warm glow.

He spoke and that distracted the girl into paying attention once more. "Ghosts cling to all of you so effortlessly. Jealous that you continue on when they cannot," she admitted. It was truth, even if it did not quite fit into their conversation. He gave her his word that he would not fail those of Myrken, that he would not fail her. Her lips suddenly were affixed to his and her thumb stroked once at his cheek while her hands were buried within his hair behind his ears. Her fondness for him was palpable in her actions, the amount of emotion that seeped into their kiss. Elliot did little more than sit there, unable and unwilling to respond to her affections. So, she took what she wanted and rose again to whirl upon his Lady. He remained, startled into silence by the gesture. It gave Whelp a warm feeling of womanly pride, but that was soon pushed away. It was a moment that she would recall later, over and over.

The creature stretched lithely, getting used to the body again after being dormant for so long. "Ah, it is nice to be back," she mused as she dropped down into the chair that had been pushed back in her wake. Slipper-covered feet were kicked up onto the table and hands folded at her belly. The action made the plates jump and clink in angry reproach. The tea cups fought to repair upright as they rattled in their saucers. The creature sought to be as unladylike as physically possible. The smooth, worm-filled smile was back on her lips again and she waggled her brows suggestively at Elliot. "Anytime that you want to rattle the bars of your little proper cage, you let me know, hm?," she purred at the boy. "Though your kissing skills are really quite poor," she admitted, features pained. Her attention fastened to the Lady again. "Ah, I missed this. The parties, the underscore of contempt and judgement. Ladies are disgusting, vicious creatures with their scorn and disapproval." She gave a low chortle and her feet dropped to the floor again as she leaned forward, eyes flashing. "I can be ruder, if you wished. I want the boy back, Lady Olwak," and the title dripped with disdain. "Or I will tear your limbs off, one by one." Her smile was polite, now, and she glanced to Elliot. All too aware that the boy would react to the threat with violence.
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Re: Demons, Damsels and Decorum

Postby Glenn » Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:49 am

The young knight had such strong ideals, such strong ideas of good and evil but he was also the Lady Olwak's knight and the Lady Olwak did so detest violence. It made such a mess of things. It did not mean he was not capable of it, but it was never, ever his first resort. Her words were enough to bring him back to his senses. As he remembered, her kiss was, after all, only his second ever. What strange kisses as well, one from an Inscribed Witch and the other from her. Still, he was true and brave and his resolve was unending.

When he finally responded to her harsh words, it was not with action. His eyes would meet her own, his stare even deeper than before. Miss Whelp was only partially aware when this other being was invoked, yes? Well, he would speak from his heart to one or both of them, with an earnestness that would sing to the center of her being, both of them. His voice was serious even if his words might have been rather light. "You and your kind like deals, no? Here is mine. Two months, right? Miss Whelp serves as Lady Olwak's trapper for two months. She will have the finest clothes, the best food, pleasant lodging, pleasant company and schooling with a tutor. She will have a uniform delivered to her later in the week. We'll do everything we can to make her feel cared for and part of something, to show her what a real life can be like. At the end of that two months, if she decides she no longer needs you, you will be," a small glance to his Lady and a word inserted, "superseded by Lady Olwak's grace."

Then of course, like any deal or bargain or wager, was the other side. "If she refuses at that point, however, you may have my full and complete for an entire week. If you wish to try to "restore me," as you said, you may try. If you wish to destroy me, you may try that as well." He was putting himself at terrible risk, but it was to help Miss Whelp. He said he'd save her and he had such faith in his Lady in in the compelling power of civilization.
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