
Re: Ailments

Postby Tolleson » Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:17 pm

She could never hurt him. How true. Even now she knew she was incapable, not just because he was warmth, comfort, and sunshine in darkness, but because she was just Cloud-hair’s friend for shared thoughts, memories, and easing nightmares. Nothing like the great and terrifying things she had seen the madman do.

It is a whisper of a kiss that he graces her with, but still, her lips find a smile in the promise of their friendship and the mutual calm they share. From Catch she turned, slowly, carefully, as if too sudden a motion or the slightest sharp movement might set her head to spinning again. And sit straight she did. With a single deep breath her chest rose, uncurling her spine and setting her much taller, just shy of eye-level to Gloria even as she sat.

“Demand of my letter,” her voice finally came, small at first, cracking as she peacefully repeated the words, her eyes still so dull and sick found a sharpness upon the stout girl.

“Do you still have this letter, Gloria?” Just Gloria so she might listen carefully instead of focusing on the trifling, cordial addresses.

She is quick to follow up as the question is rhetorical. “As a good Inquisitor you always keep your letters, as careful where you leave them as what you put within.” There is deep and calm breath, she wasn’t chastising or angry in the least. It was more resigned, like a lesson from a headmaster who knew no one listened.

“Now, that we can dispel any misrepresentation that I demanded anything of you, let us address your questions,” her head bobbed slightly as if agreeing with herself that all the right words had in fact come out.

“First, Ser Catch did not come here for me, he is here at your behest. While true, he is my friend, I sent no letter to him nor to your friend, whom I can only assume you told to come because you truly do have doubts, fears, and discomfort in my presence,” there is a deeper sigh at this, but no more than a span of breath. “Let them stay, for your safety but I ask that you do not so readily dictate sides, or call me your enemy. He is your friend too.” The small smiling gesture Gloria offered the madman was noticed and welcome, as she said nothing of it directly.

“Our goals, at least in part, are the same.” Gloria begged Noura’s patience and this too was noted, appreciated even, though her eyes remained calmly locked on her fellow Inquisitor.

“Second, I believe to the contrary, the ‘why,’ and ‘how,’ matter quite a lot. If Catch is correct, then the purpose is far beyond my comprehension and most assuredly more detrimental to Myrken. While I cannot, with all of my experience and history with Glenn as my friend, make sense of the accusations, without specific knowledge otherwise, it is unwise that I disregard a viable explanation.”

After a small pause, so small it must have been learned from Glenn himself, she spoke again. “Finally, I am deeply sorry for what ever happened to you, truly. I see that you are struggling and I know, I know… I know that it hurts.” It hurts, the pain was blinding and unyielding, while she couldn’t know the pain Gloria owned, she surely sympathized. “You, above most know my distaste for such action,” there was a small pause as she referred to some half remembered conversation many months ago now, when Rhaena had been their common enemy. “I will do whatever I can for you, personally, as I will for,” she paused, trying to remember the petulant wildling’s name, she had read it, there was a file, surely. Everyone had a file. “For anyone else affected.” Her eyes finally broke away from Gloria and offered earnest apology and sympathy to the wild, rune covered girl; offering kindness as incessantly as she exuded stubborn anger. This of course, assumed, wrongly or otherwise that when Gloria said Noura understood, Genny took it to mean she was also swained.

“Please, make no mistake, I am… glad that you are here, all of you,” her eyes flicked to Catch and then back to Gloria where they settled, ready for her to argue. “I wish to set matters right. To find the truth of things, regardless of how I feel. To, as I have, ask your truth of it.” It was a slight departure from the emotion filled desperation that implored Catch only moments ago, but her words were steady, rational, and sound. In fact, far more sound than they had been in a very, very long time.

“As an Inquisitor, I propose to ask questions until you know everyone’s truth. And once you know it, resolve it by doing what will benefit Myrken most,” there is a small shrug, as if to say that is what she would have done. Because sometimes it wasn't a matter of right, or wrong.
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Re: Ailments

Postby Guppy » Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:12 pm

They entered the find Genny Tolleson more or less recovered. It had only taken a moment alone with Catch and the authority she held had straightened her spine and oiled her tongue. When she spoke this time, it was with strength. While it began as something small and tentative, there was underlying resolve that befitted her station. They argued over details that Noura thought trivial, but she did not cease her glowering throughout. The letter had been written, whatever the language. Catch was here, whatever his reasons.

The High Inquisitor spoke of her duty to consider every explanation and that was something. It was hope, if Catch's concerns were revealed to be true. At that thought, Noura's gaze drifted to the addled man and she considered him, so long as his eyes did not meet her own. If they did, her own would dance away again and uncertainty would join the anger upon her features.

The gesture of calm from Gloria was accepted, though the relief etched upon Genny's face made a small glimmer of pride dart across her face. At least she had that.

The apology, the obvious fumble for her name earned more ire than it was worth. It was not as if they were strangers and the slight to her pride was worse than a slap. "You did not," she barked, suddenly, "swain me. And if you ever do, you had best make certain that it sticks tight." That was a low growl of threat within her voice. She made it abundantly clear that it was a waste of time to attempt to soothe any of the powerful emotions radiating from the girl. She would not think it genuine, not after that.

She faded into the background again as they got to the heart of why they were here. She ignored most of the details. She was just here for Gloria's benefit. Politics evaded her.
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Re: Ailments

Postby Rance » Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:53 pm

You are authority, Catch told Genny Tolleson.

"I never once said Mister Catch was my enemy. He is my family, as is Cherny, as is Noura. They are indeed here at -- at my request, because I've come to understand just how imperative it is that tasks done right are best done together. And the one we shall do, Inquisitor Tolleson, will also be together."

As Genny spoke, the stout girl poised on the other side of the desk turned her cheek and listened -- for the sudden lack of stutter was not lost upon her. Hers was a mind shaped by an oral culture, meant to appropriately consume information carried on the lips of speakers. This facet of her was why, with such steadfast resolve, she'd taken so well to the study of rhetoric. Not necessarily for her adeptness in its application, but for her acuity of its understanding -- it married itself well to her as a toddling speaker of Standard, and what she chose to hear, she heard well.

"The accusations against -- against Glenn Burnie may be unbelievable, but they are valid. He returned to a wounded people, wove lies to them regarding the -- the death of his death, and tried to put into the past what is still very real, very now. The why and the how matter a great deal. They matter everything. On this, we can agree."

Behind her, Noura was a bombastic truth, a challenge. had best make certain that it sticks tight.

Gloria Wynsee straightened, giving her spine its strength and lending prominence to her ribs. They strained against her dress, each breath a measured and careful burst. She ventured a step back to put her shoulder against Noura's -- never, however, removing her granite-colored eyes from Genny's.

"You are authority," she said, tilting her chin to acknowledge Catch's earlier statement. "The active High Inquisitor after the death of the Black Man. You're in the right position to -- to make an effective, intelligent decision. The Inquisitory's purpose lies in the investigation of -- of matters not immediately explainable by mundane means. Yes? And that some talent was used on my mind during Glenn Burnie's speech deems this a situation necessitating the Inquisitory's involvement, whether or not you wish it."

Her fingertips grazed Noura's sleeve, clutching.

"Give me permission, Menna Tolleson, to allow the Inquisitors to draft a formal inquest into the events surrounding the Governor's return, along with the details surrounding his speech. Do so, and we ensure that -- that every why and every how is approached through the proper government channels. A lawful observance of jurisdiction that Glenn Burnie himself ordained, before I was even here, when he established the Inquisitory."

Protection was one reason she'd called upon Noura and Mister Catch.

One of several. And certainly not the most important.

"Approve this inquest, that he may be held accountable for his choices," Gloria said, "or, if you feel you are too greatly compromised by your personal loyalties to -- to a man whose motives are subject to question, you may tender your temporary resignation as leader of the Myrken Wood Inquisitory."
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Re: Ailments

Postby catch » Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:02 pm

Catch did not look either left, nor right. He did not move, but would hold Genny's hands, as long as she allowed it. he gazed at her with all the trust of a child, all the concern of a brother. Glenn did this to her. The way he had done it to Rhaena. It was sickness, illness.

He would take it from her, if he could, even if it meant burning Glenn to cinders.

He did not understand, but he understood one, important thing - the Miss Genny would not suffer.
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Re: Ailments

Postby Tolleson » Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:54 am

Noura’s sudden eruption did little to startle Genny, perhaps her limbs were too leaden or the fog in her head too thick. “Noura,” it was an address with the tone of an apology, “I am glad your mind is your own.” As for sticking tight, a small frown formed but no words were said. Even if she knew she couldn’t, knew she wouldn’t, apparently she had. Like fighting one’s own shadow.

We will do this together

She was blind, feeling at the frayed ends of a memory’s tapestry. The texture of the strands was comforting, soft and thick with forgotten importance. Without knowing the picture, the color, or the content, it felt familiar. It felt so familiar for a moment, the words, the notion perhaps, and then it slipped through grasping fingers. She nodded, her eyes empty again for just a moment, focused on the futile task of remembering, catching the fleeting tail of a memory too quick to fade.

“He returned… let us start there,” she deflates a little, as if suddenly winded from the previous deluge of words. Still, she recovers quickly, nodding firm and setting her eyes back to Gloria.

“Gather the Scribe’s record of the speech and any testimonies you have collected, and perhaps the investigation file so that I might better understand these lies.” Her purpose in this was two-fold, if there had been a Scribe it is likely they had described the whole of what had transpired, even if it did not jog a memory it would aid her in understanding what her shadow had done. Perhaps why.

“Of this accused perjury, do you suspect malevolent purpose?” There was the slightest weary glance to Catch, her energy and resolve grew less. “It is rarely a man… or a woman, does anything without motivation. Do you have, do you have… or… suspect any hypothesis regarding his intent?”

She nearly panted from the exertion of speaking, the blink of her eyes staying closed just a moment too long. Energy dissipated from her like heat fled a smothered flame.

“You are an Inquisitor Gloria, I see your patience… and…” she breathed more heavily and it made her sway. With a measure of grace her hand rose, ever so gently to grasp the table’s edge.

“You needn’t my permission nor Glenn Burnie’s to… to investigate, an inquest will be brought as the evidence supports it, else it is liable to incite unjust reactions, doing…. Causing more harm than good. Lynching… or… or fires, random violence and the sort” her knuckles began to turn a cool white as she held herself up, swallowing against a dry throat. She had shared her careful words of caution, before submitting as it was only reasonable to do, "but yes, so long as you are truly mindful. It, it has… it has my blessing.”

“Leader of the Inquisitory,” the words where nearly whispered under her breath and there is a soft sound, short of a chuckle that follows as if she believed even Giuseppe a better leader. “I called upon you so urgently because I know this matter is best not left to idle, but a knock to the head is known to cause…. Retrograde… apparently, episodic amnesia,” a long, exhausted breath out. It needn’t be said that a solid knock to the head wasn’t the only explanation for the condition, but mentally traumatic events aside, the bruise was still angry and lingered, an ugly yellow.

“I will be right as the rain in several days, good meals and friends,” her tone somewhat softer, there was a gentle but ever so weak smile to the audience that had gathered. “Let us re-gather then, I will surely have more strength and together we will make sense of this.” In more than enough words and her rapidly declining physical state she was asking them to leave without ever saying so directly.
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