Work of this Nature

Work of this Nature

Postby Rance » Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:03 am

Sera Mercy, for your consideration:

It would be both cold-hearted and inconsiderate of me to put to pasture, as farmers say, an innocent young woman. Alas, I still cannot justify her return to the Rememdium Edificium given the unfortunate qualities she possesses. However, I trust with your capable mind and Avinius's teachings that you may be able to discover that very fine point where her recovery lies, likely somewhere between the plains of religion and medicine.

Consider this your freshman task as an attendant here in Myrken Wood. The young woman's name is Sera Noura, and is sometimes referred to as whelp or wildling by herself and others. Her nature is reserved and for the most part polite; she is subject to the regular misgivings of any adolescent girl. But she is inhabited by some other presence which, while it has not yet exhibited itself as such, may be capable of violence I can not in good conscience invite again into the Rememdium.

Make it your task, if it may be done safely, to find a solution for her condition. I am here for any resources you may require. If you find it necessary to employ a firm hand, I have heard of a sellsword in town named Serrus Belcaw who may not be averse to assisting you -- if the price suits him. The infirmary, of course, will take responsibilities of payment upon itself.

Additionally, I shall this afternoon be interviewing another herbalist who I intend, should her talents be useful, to put alongside you in this task. Her name is Rosalyn. I hope she will be suited to work of this nature.

In good health of mind, body, and spirit,

Jule Mitchell

"Is she outside?"

"Yes, ser," said the freckled boy. "I went to the Dagger bright and early to retrieve her, ser. She's waiting in the anteroom for you."

"What are you impressions of her? Is she keen," Jule asked the young messenger. "Or is she daft?"

"I don't take it upon myself to make judgments, ser."

"Very well." Jule counted out several pennies and stacked them in the boy's outstretched palm. An additional one, crisp and shining, was placed on the stack and tapped with a slender finger. "One more task: take this missive with you to the Broken Dagger and deliver it under the door of one Sera Mercy. The bartender can likely direct you to her room."

The boy flashed off with this new job, and Jule Mitchell held the door of his meager office open after him. The morning din of the Rememdium Edificium was one of quietly-shuffling feet and ghostly white hems brushing across the floorboards as, with wooden trays of tinctures herbs, attendants awakened patients to administer their necessities. An iron pot of porridge bubbled over one of the hearths, filling the air with the heady odor of the morning's meal. The aroma of food and spice was entirely welcome: the hospital too often reeked of the copper and iron of blood and the acrid stench of multiple bodies' lesser humors, especially with the sweltering heat of summer baring down upon the building's squat roof.

"Rosalyn," he said out the door of his office. He was a weedy taper of a man, his brown hair a scattered starburst, his beard little more than a series of untrimmed patches on cheeks and chin.

"Sera Rosalyn?"
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rosalyn_Lovine » Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:33 pm

At thirty one years one would think that fidgeting was not a part of the repertoire any longer. However, after having been summoned early in the morning from her breakfast tea, and having sat in the anteroom of the Rememdium Edificium for sometime now, there was little else to do but fidget and things akin to it.

It had started with crossing and uncrossing her legs,then straightening the seams of the navy blue traveling gown combined with combing with her fingers the curls that were at the end of the braid she wore over her right shoulder. When that failed she was taxed with coming up with ways to quietly and unobtrusively amuse herself. There had been a game she played for a time of trying to identify the various odors in the air but there was no way to verify if she was correct or not so that game fell to the wayside rather quickly, as did it's counterpart of trying to determine sounds. The most successful game, based on the fact that it was the one of the three that was feasible, was trying to name a plant to coincide with every letter of the alphabet in order.

Why she was so nervous that she'd had to resort to games to keep herself calm was beyond her. Perhaps it was that this was a new town without an established reputation or prominent friendships to buoy her employment opportunities. It was both refreshing and nerve wracking to know that her skills alone would be the key to her success. Nevertheless, she was already on the third round of the plant/letter game when her name was called.

"Rosalyn, Sera Rosalyn?"

With a jolt she was on her feet, the smile appearing on her lips as though it were apart of her outfit. "Oh, Aye." with measured footsteps she takes herself in the direction of the office in which she's called from trying not to appear too eager or uninterested. Outside the door, she gives a polite curtsy and waits to be invited inside. "Afternoon"
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rance » Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:56 pm

"Aye," he said, hinging at his waist in a bow. His white robes engulfed him, his thin neck jutting out from them like a shaven pole. The young man was unabashed in his sudden examination of the woman: his eyes scoured her from her ankles up to the sober braid that restrained her hair.

"Jule Mitchell. It is a pleasure to meet you. I was told you'd left your name with us on your previous visit."

The young fellow's voice was full of divots, odd little mannerisms that did their best to enlighten his words with politeness. After that introductory glance, his gaze always seemed distracted, forever looking everywhere else but at her. His lips danced into an awkward smile, and he quickly moved aside to invite her into his office.

The space had once been a broom-closet, but was now cramped with an old notary desk, one of its crippled legs bastioned by several moldering books. At one corner of the bureau stood a pyramid of withered and melted candles, the fresher tapers balanced in the husks of the previous inhabitant. Droplets of wax hung in long, hardened globules over the desk's edge, wanting to fall but never finding the bravery. The surface was a storm of ledgers and books, and on a shelf above sat variety of glass decanters, some labeled, some left like a mystery to be wondered and analyzed.

He reclined in his chair, motioning her to sit in one beside the desk. He folded his wiry hands. The sleeves of his bleached raiments were spattered in a mosaic of brown and red. And because he knew at a single glance that she was not from Myrken Wood, the first words of business he had with Rosalyn Lovine were these:

"We burn our bodies here. Whether they die by natural causes, from wounds inflicted by others, or because of their own hand, each corpse meets the same end. Whatever your role here may be -- physician, herbalist, surgeon -- you will assist with this foul but essential work. Will you be hesitant to do this if expected, Sera Lovine? Or shall I bid you good day, and return to my papers?"
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rosalyn_Lovine » Sun Aug 03, 2014 4:06 am

For all her nerves prior to being called to the office, the woman is the picture of calm as she's thoroughly assessed.  And as an  assessment was how it was perceived,  something she herself would do before letting a stranger touch a patient  that was under her care. There was no fear here. She was clean,  her gown tidy, and all five foot two of her was groomed perhaps not to perfection but to what she felt was at least professionally acceptable. Her age is worn well, there are a few stray hairs near her temples that have a flash of silver at the root but that likely are only visible under close scrutiny such as this. There is a grace about her that comes from experience and possibley an upbringing in a higher social class  but which is contradicted by simple attire and lack of personal adornments. The scent of lavender is most prominently noticed among the other earthy aromas that emanate either from her or the bloated satchel that's worn slung over her head and across her middle like a third appendage.

The same  scrutinized assessment is not applied in return to Jule Mitchell but rather measured out in doses, his face as he speaks, his hands as he sits and so on. The room draws her attention more intently though, specifically the jars on the shelf  behind him. There would be time, she hoped, in the future to examine them more thoroughly. "A pleasure as well to meet you I'm sure" The offered chair is taken with a nod of her head in agreement that she indeed had put her name in. The man continues though, straight to the point, it was an admirable trait.

As unappealing as the thought of burning bodies could be it wasn't a foreign concept or task. Could she? In short, yes. Would it be enjoyable. Absolutely not. There was much about the profession that was not enjoyable.

"Whatever appearances I may have, I assure you that I do not lack the constitution to do whatever is neccessary, or required."
Though her words were terse, her lips were turned upwards with the same polite smile she had approached him with.
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rance » Sun Aug 03, 2014 4:22 pm

She did not leave. It was a promising sign.

Jule Mitchell had grown from an awkward boy into an even more awkward man. He eschewed social graces, avoiding them as if they were infectious. His eyes flit like impatient insects, first darting toward her neck--

A hint of...rosewater? No. Lavender. A bit of perfume. To make a positive impression? A result of habit?

--then toward the shoreline between her hair and her forehead--

Gray. Prematurely? Or a life hardened by various forms of stress and challenge. A little smile to hide old scars?

--and finally back toward the scattered feathers of his papers, which were a reliable comfort, for the words were never out of place, the ledgers and accounts to be fulfilled never anything but cool, exacting, and logical.

"It is, thankfully, a task we perform rarely," he assured Rosalyn. "But one that nonetheless requires firmness of mind and spirit. Reducing lives, loves, memories, and accomplishments to ash is a chore that few can stomach. I still find myself wishing there were alternatives." His lips bend into a vulnerable smile, an admission of fault. "There are not. Instead, we're forced to hope we can apply the necessary treatments to keep hearts beating, brains working, and souls seeking fulfillment.

"Herbs," Jule Mitchell said. "The information you left with one of our attendants said you were versed in the application of herbs. Where did you learn? Are you familiar with the plants in Myrken Wood, their yields and their milks?" His curiosities were interrupted by a practiced pause. "Do you smile all the time," he asked her. "Is it a permanent disfigurement, Sera Lovine?"
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rosalyn_Lovine » Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:37 am

There was nothing else she could do but smile at his question. It would have been rude to laugh after all. "Is it a permanent disfigurement, Sera Lovine?"

Was he serious? Studying the man revealed that he was. Still, she continued smiling if for nothing else then it was in her nature to be sarcastic in the face of criticism.Internally there was a scolding going on and a moment or to of quiet while what to say was considered and weighed. Jule Mitchell seemed to be the type of man that wanted the truth and would appreciate it no matter how strange, or sad, or habitual it may be. There's a glance taken behind her to see that they are indeed alone and then she leans forward in her seat.

"Truthfully? As a knight wears armor, or a turtle wears a shell, I wear a smile as a defense against the outside world. Life isn't always pretty,I don't always smile, in fact, I've spent a long time not smiling or laughing at all. So much time that I had to start over just to survive. There were times that I was desperate, and I think back on how much just a stranger offering me a smile would have meant to me then. " there's a pause while she regains her composure. "I smile so that strangers I meet do not have to wonder if seeing a smile would have helped them. I smile because I'm completely alone in the world and if smiling means I gain a friend, then all the better." there's a gentle shrug of her shoulders that matched the gentle upward curve of her lips " Also likely from nerves, it's not easy to start over at my age, I hope that you won't find it to be a problem"

She waits to see his reaction to her long drawn out explanation. A questioning raise of her eyebrows is given before she starts again. "Now, as for herbs, I am well versed in a variety of plant types and their uses. Given the climate here in Myrken Wood, I imagine that a good many of the same plants are found here as in other places I've been and for those that are indigenous to the area, I think you'll find I am a quick study. I've already sought out land to grow my own herbs on and spoken to Councilor Treadwell in regards to acquiring the rights to use such a property once I have secured an income. " Her right hand taps the satchel at her side. " I've brought a good many of my own things with me, some of which are seeds that I can start in pots and then place in the soil when the weather breaks in the winter. " She has to take a breath from all the rambling that she's done, but one couldn't say she wasn't prepared. Letting him digest, she gives him a moment of silence before recalling that there was more to his question and more that she could say about her profession " I've other skills as well that I was born into. The women in my family have been healers for generations. I learned every skill from being hands on. I've traveled to a variety of places with different climates and problems that went with them so my personal experiences are extremely varied. " She ticked off the items on her hand as she spoke finally drawing to an end with a great breath. With eyes gleaming with a bit of wit, she smiles at him again. " Do you have any more questions?"
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rance » Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:21 pm

He listened, visibly unmoved. His elbows rest against the worn armrests of his chair, his right hand tightened into a thoughtful fist while the other was wrapped around it, his fingers occasionally drumming along the knuckles. There is little about him to read, but never once did he seem disinterested. On the contrary, she spoke, and this was the one time that Jule Mitchell watched her, his eyes unblinking, his attention unwavering. He heard every word.

"I believe, Sera Lovine, that you will find for yourself an abundance of friends in Myrken Wood if a smile is the first thing you offer. People here have few of them. Be charitable. Smiles," Jule told her, "are the only rare and beautiful thing meant to be given out with ill abandon."

That is the only sliver of softness the fellow gave her -- but it is accompanied by its own smile, one to match hers.

Now, as for herbs, I am well versed in a variety of plant types and their uses.

He lifted himself from his chair, tapping his forefinger on the cleft of his chin as he examined the bottles and vials above his desk. He procured three of them of varying size and content. One was packed to the brim with wrinkled buds, another with the dried curls of carefully-plucked brown petals, and the third bore but a few thin, black nettles that rattled and chimed against the glass as he turned it. "I don't believe you're one to waste your time or mine with false credentials, Rosalyn, so I hope you will humor me with this demonstration.

"Mannoc root. Gallflower petals. Tube-seeds of an ambrode tree. Common reagents from around Myrken Wood, and fairly familiar to those who practice here. I'd ask that you take these home with you, and with these ingredients alone, develop--" he lifts just as many fingers for clarity, "--two herbal mixtures, each with its own distinct uses, incorporating all three. Bring them to me tomorrow by sundown for my inspection, and should I be pleased with the results, I will be happy to discuss your first assignment with you."

In a thrust-out palm, the three bottles await her.
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rosalyn_Lovine » Tue Aug 05, 2014 3:59 pm

The bottles were taken with the smile having faded from her lips and a perplexed but ultimately curious expression filling her face. For a moment she sat in silence but then quietly thanked him for his time, and rose from the chair with the vials clasped in her hand. At the door to the office she turned and again offered the polite smile, somewhat subdued now, towards him "I will be back tomorrow then. "

After multiple experiments, seeking advice,a pile of books,wandering through Myrken Wood to find these plants in nature,and a nearly sleepless night, an exhausted Rosalyn returns to the Rememdium Edificium with three empty vials and a request to see Jule Mitchell. Seeing herself to the office, whether he's inside or not, she takes a seat with a determined look on her face, dirt on her gown, and her dark hair loose and wild behind her.
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rance » Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:18 am

"So very good to see you, Sera Rosalyn."

He entered the office not long after she did. His step was sprightlier, and the odors of the Rememdium -- both antiseptic and unpleasant -- clung to his white robes as if they'd stitched themselves inside the fabric. Beside his desk was a small cooking-pot full of rosewater. He dipped his fingers in it twice, then flicked them dry. "Asking for patients' humours is a terribly awkward sort of work. I've drawn more vials of urine in my twenty-three years alive than I care to count."

That statement alone explained the glassy symphony that clinked and clattered as he lowered a cream-white satchel to the floor..

"But onto other business," he said. He clapped his hands together in front of him, the palms rubbing against each other with good-natured excitement. The young man's demeanor was altogether different than it had been the day before -- such wonders, it seemed, could be done by a good night of sleep. Her disheveled appearance does not escape him, but it was her face he was more interested in: there were new lines drawn there, brought to life by the smudges and smears of dirt dusted across her cheeks and neck.

Industry. Ambition.

"I do hope you found the time adequate. Do you have them? What findings did you come to?"
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rosalyn_Lovine » Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:04 pm

"And you as well"

Tired as she was, there was a smile spared for the man in his excitement over the collection of humours in his bag.It faded as he stated his age and inadvertently reminded her of the advancing state of her own. For some, thirty one years might not be 'old' but to be thirty one, unmarried, without children, no home to speak of, and with the only worldly possessions you own living in the confines of a worn satchel, it was an effort not to become desperate or depressed. The key was to define the positives. Good health, a new start, new friends and maybe a new job as well, and whatever else didn't happen perhaps was never meant to be. Her thoughts,the negative and positive are distracted by the words coming out of the energized young man's mouth.

"I do hope you found the time adequate. Do you have them? What findings did you come to?"

The over full satchel is pulled into her lap. The empty vials set on the desk in front of her. Wordlessly she digs in the satchel until she pulls out one small glass jar filled with a muddy brown colored substance inside as thick as cold lard. The jar is set on the desk as well with a clinking sound before she settles back into the chair.

" I would have wished to have more time, but I believe I have accomplished what you asked of me, so I suppose time was adequate after all"

Nothing more is said, her eyes focused on the jar on the desk until he joins her gaze or picks it up to study.

"You asked for two different solutions to the problem. What you have in the jar is a compromise to that, one solution that solves two different problems, I will elaborate"

Rosalyn holds up a finger to indicate he would be given an explanation in a moment. The satchel in her lap is sat on the floor and her right leg is crossed over the left. Once her leg is crossed over the other, she lifts the hem of her gown to reveal a span of her ankle and a small amount of her calve that is covered in a linen bandage. The bandage is tightly wrapped with some of the muddy brown substance making an appearance at the turns in the linen.

"First, I grated the mannoc root,it came out to be a consistency close to a wet corn meal, perfect for binding when mixed with water or in this case the oil from the gall petals that I mashed then boiled and the ground up fine powder of the tube seeds."

Twisting her leg to and fro so that he could see all sides of the bandage she continued " As you can see, the binding agent holds the dressing in place nicely, I applied this sometime before the sun rose this morning, and my theory is that the other ingredients combined will act as a cleansing mechanism to aid against infection in the wound. I did not have time to fully test that, but " she gives a shrug. Her cheeks are flush, having had lost herself a bit in the pride of her explanation\, she covers her leg again with her gown and lowers it to the ground as she goes on.

"Alternatively," clearing her throat, there's a twinkle in her eye of, perhaps a hint of mischief "as the barkeep at the Broken Dagger can attest to,if you take a small portion of the paste and add it to boiled water, then consume it orally, it works very well as a laxative."

The dark brown eyes glance up to meet the eyes of Jule Mitchell in an attempt to watch him form his opinion before he speaks. Her own eyes have always been truly the window to her a soul, the ability to mask them has never been a strong suit. Now they held a myriad of emotions, hope, pride,determination, exhaustion. Several things to say rush to her mind, but nothing is said past the explanations, she simply waits for his verdict.
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rance » Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:08 am

First, the jar. Then, the bandage. He fell into silence as she explained, though he could not help but notice--

--she was animated, a statue given life; she demonstrated and discussed the merits of the herbs, had gone so far as to bind her own flesh with a poultice to understand its properties. A girl who cared more for modesty over medicine would have chosen another limb altogether for fear of showing too much flesh, but the leg spoke more than even its wrapping: apply it in a place often disturbed by motions and skirt-hems to examine the resilience of mixture and bandages. Her mind was analytic; her eyes were agleam with excitement at her discoveries.

Her last observation drew a laugh from him, a thin reed of genuine humor.

"I shall make a point not to drink or eat there if you're finding yourself feeling impish. Then again, I don't think their drinks require your additives to have that ill effect." His finger taps the cap of the jar. "Flexible, astute, and well-researched, all."

Thin praise. That was it. From his desk he picked up a needle-like knife. He turned its handle to her. "To cut it away. It will only do so much on healthy flesh, and I should be interested to test your mixture. Perhaps tonight you would be willing to accompany me on my rounds? Regardless, if you're to accept my offer of employment here at the Rememdium, there are other matters to which I'd ask your attendance."

Jule's eyes rediscovered sobriety. His voice softened. Over the offered blade he asked, "Do you believe that a body, for all we know of anatomy and physiology, can possess two inhabitants, Sera Rosalyn?"
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rosalyn_Lovine » Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:56 pm

There was the tiny hint of praise she'd seen in his eyes before it was gone, but she met it with a thin smile of her own as she took the knife from his hand.

The task kept her from jumping out of her seat and hugging him around the neck at his offer of employment. Inwardly she did flips, but outwardly she treated the removal of the bandage as another part of her 'interview'. The bandage was removed quickly and the spare paste on her skin was wiped with edges of the linen bandage.

" I would be honored to join you on your rounds tonight," there's a pause and a quick knitting of her brows as she decides what she should call him. Inspiration strikes and she finishes her sentence with "Boss" The smirk that follows turns into a grin as she turns the knife around and hands it back to him with the handle facing out. The bandage is wrapped up, an attempt to save some of it would be made later, but for now its thrust back into her satchel.

"Do you believe that a body, for all we know of anatomy and physiology, can possess two inhabitants, Sera Rosalyn?"

There's a look exchanged to see if he is in fact serious about his question or merely jesting with her. Seeing the sober expression on his face gives her pause. When she speaks it is matter of fact.

"There is proof that two inhabitants can share a body in the way that a mother births a child." she uncrosses her legs and leans forward on them as she thinks it through, her eyes revealing the puzzle being worked out in her mind. "The two share the mother's body until the child is ready to be born. With that knowledge, I think it might be fair to say that a body could handle two inhabitants from a medical standpoint for a time, but in the long term? I am not certain that one of the inhabitants of the body would not need to expel the other for them both to go on living."

For this question she was sure there was not a right or wrong answer but still she looked to Jule Mitchell with a great big question mark on her features.
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rance » Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:30 pm

I am not certain that one of the inhabitants of the body would not need to expel the other for them both to go on living.

Of all the things she said, that is the one that garnered most of his attention. A quiet realization struck him, but the only sound he emitted was a soft breath that hummed against the inside of his mouth. The knife is retrieved and placed carefully on the desk.

"A girl in our town," Jule confides in her, "bears -- from what I know through limited exposure to her -- another being beneath her flesh. Her natural state is as a simple girl named Noura, a vagrant and a trapper; conversely, when this other entity awakens, it uses her body like a puppet. It seeks to seduce, to diminish others for its own amusement, and to commit harm." He lifted his eyes to the door. As if they were on one end of an invisible weight, their ascension lowered his voice to something scarcely above a whisper, a matter meant only for Rosalyn Lovine. "I believe firmly in logic, in the corporeal and tangible. I touch healthy and dead bodies. I understand much as you do their functions, their capabilities, and their limits. With my own eyes, I have seen this being distort the natural realities of flesh. I have seen it heal even its host's most grievous wounds.

"And I have seen it usher a corpse out of death."

His posture loosened. A palm scraped through his hair, sweeping it back as if by an errant wind. Drifting focus forced his eyes to lunge toward a droplet of wax on the desk's edge.

"If what you say is true, then whatever positive benefits offered by this entity are but the edge of a blade poised to run her through. Another one of our attendants, Mercy Tirel, has been tasked to find a solution to this young woman's peculiar disease. I would ask, Rosalyn, that you assist her as an equal."

An uneasy smile flashed across his lips.

"Unless, of course, you reconsider your new position here at the Rememdium, understanding that I will very quickly ask a great deal from you. Though boss," he jested, "has a fine ring to it."
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Re: Work of this Nature

Postby Rosalyn_Lovine » Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:06 am

Concern knitted her brows as Rosalyn listened to the near unbelievable tale of the creature inhabiting one of the townsfolk. There was a wash of fear that swept over her that caused the flush in her cheeks to go pale. Whatever trouble was afoot here hadn't been what she had expected when deciding to settle here. Somehow she had thought, no, perhaps had hoped, that the mysteries and magic in the world were dormant here. It was a silly notion considering all she had seen before arriving and all that had revealed itself since she had arrived. The terrible or perhaps wonderful thing was that it didn't change her opinion of the place any. Not all magic and mystery are bad, and she herself had always had a penchant for being unable to avoid either for too long. Still, the information was clearly troubling to her, as her usual casual up turn of her lips was replaced with a look of remorse.

"I have already had the pleasure of meeting Mercy, I am sure we will work well together to ..."There was hesitation, and a sorrow in her eyes that came from having seen too many people too far gone, from whatever the illness may have been. " attempt to help this poor girl."
She had gone distant in the short conversation, her mind now on some old memory. Her hands lay flat against the tops of her legs, her eyes cast downwards. Silence permeated the room for a moment, but knowing that soon there would be a question made as to if she were alright, she lifted her head, features strained " I've seen this before. Something like this,not exactly the same, in somebody I was close to." Rising to her feet, she backs up to stand behind the chair as if she were trying to escape it. The bracing her hands on the chair hold her in place before she continues " The body inhabited was a strong, able bodied young elf who studied arcane magic and our efforts were still futile."

There were no tears, this was an old wound simply remembered by the problem he presented. Not that it was ever forgotten, first loves rarely are, but so many things had happened since then it was but a very distant pain. Something one learned to live with and only brought out every once in awhile. Such as now. "Don't take it as a refusal to participate, I will be overjoyed if the situation is different then before,and will do everything in my power to help. I just thought that you should know the potential before it occurs."

Clearing her throat she backed towards the door. " I will report back to you later today then, it seems I have a bit of work in front of me"
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