Renewal 2024

Renewal 2024

Postby Glenn » Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:38 am

Hi guys,

It's that time again. I get that we have even less traffic than previously and honestly, we're ten years or so from when this place was last really active. Moreover, the price has jumped from $96 to $120. That's not super great or anything, but it is what it is for right now.

I actually think if we hold out X more years we would become a little bit more active again because kids would be older and people might be in a different spot in life, etc. But we're not there now.

Primarily I'd hate to lose the archives.

Point being, I will get it this year if not one else can chip in. We have to pay it by ~Oct 17.

If anyone wants to chip in and can chip in even a few dollars to get us back down to the $96 I budgeted for it, it's appreciated. If not, it's ok. Do not do what you cannot or are not comfortable doing. We still operate through paypal at If people need some more futuristic way of contributing, just let me know.

And I guess we'll revisit this more seriously next July or so including ways to save the archive if that's where we're headed.

Between then and now, write! We're here. We're dealing with a bunch of personal stuff always because we're adults in a crazy world, but that's all the more reason to write. If you build it, we will come and bug you, I promise. Glenn will write any of your characters a letter and their lives will be worse off for it but we'll have fun in the process.

Posts: 3243
Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:00 am

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