Step 8

Step 8

Postby Glenn » Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:21 am

The letter arrived with very little haste. It arrived with a caravan of trade goods, just something sent in passing, as inexpensively as possible. Somehow, that showed in the writing as well.

Tennant Tolleson,

Even the timing of this is awkward. It's been six-and-a-half years. That's quite a long time but it's not a neat time. Still, I find accounts unbalanced and this letter is an effect of that.

Our encounters were few. Perhaps one or two in passing, then one with meaning and another with less meaning and less result. I write you from exile of my own making. I write you, as well, with an understanding that I may return to Myrken within a year's time. As such, there are a few loose ends that I think it better to deal with sooner than later. I assure you, despite the monumental event that we partook in (you against your will), this is still easier than the letter I will have to write to Kacela (a she-wolf? Do you know her?).

I know very little about your relationship with your sister. Are you close? I know very little about your upbringing. I imagine it was kind enough, stable enough, for despite your illegal proclivities, she turned out to be a very fine person. Something in the middle then. Mine were less fortuitous. That is no excuse, of course, especially not for the only thing I would be excused for, my intentions. You know as well as anyone, I imagine, what Myrken can do to someone, the madness it can bring. You knew Jirai if not Sarayn, perhaps? Certainly not Faeryl, though she would have adored you, likely to death. You always reminded me a bit of Roschen, just more tussled and put upon and less deranged (though he had a level of unflappability that you do not because of the madness). So many names. My apologies. I'm avoiding the point.

I was deranged myself when I sent you to the bottom of the lake. Yes you received a pardon for your effort. Yes, you experienced something that no one else of our generation has. I imagine it's yet another story, barely believable like many others, that you can use to amaze women in taverns. If things had gone differently, your effort might have gone a long way in saving Myrken from some of what befell it. That it did not was of no fault of yours.

Still, I did you wrong by it. It is not something that I would do today. I was made mad by the same forces I imagine you've experienced over the years, though at the heart of that madness was the very core of my being, both then and now. I apologize. I know how empty that sounds, but truly, unless you would be fool enough to seek more employment from me, I have nothing else to offer you.

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Re: Step 8

Postby Tolleson » Sat Jun 23, 2018 6:52 am

Tennant’s reply came swiftly considering it had come from Myrken. Even the boy that brought it to the door was out of breath. He knocked at the door and if answered, he would offer the letter and hold out his hand, as if an additional payment was assumed.

Fond Greetings to you, esteemed former Governor Burnie,

What an honor. If the timing is awkward, let it be longer - I’ve rather enjoyed the comfortable silence that has grown between us, old friend. How time has distorted my memory of you, we must have been close; the familiarity with which you write suggests were indeed thick as thieves. However, for this I would have more trust and willingness, than that which was afforded me for the ‘monumental undertaking’ - the necessity of which, good friend, I should very much like explained.

I know of Kacela, and well enough to give her peace. And if you are as close with her and her partner, as you are with me, I can only imagine she’d like that as well.

You mentioned a debt, and to this you can rest assured you’re black in my ledger -- though I should think you owe a good deal to my sister for all the suffering she’s endured for you, if not because of you, and at your own hand (whether she’d see it that way or not).

The promise of entertainment in future exchanges is tempting, but as you’ve mustered the conscience or, more likely, have some scheme that employs forgiveness and honesty I will be frank. Your letter was the epitome of tedium and you write names like they are currency. You must imagine yourself upon such a pedestal, with all the town enthralled or at least voraciously curious, now that they’re not forcefully swayed, and therefore willing to agree. I do not share my sister’s eagerness for your employment, that said, what is your offer?

Wishing you an agreeable exile,
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Re: Step 8

Postby Glenn » Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:53 am

The response took it's good time to arrive. Eventually though, arrive it did.


It does my heart well to know that after all that's occurred you are still capable of curiosity as it pertains to your aquatic endeavor. I will provide you a response, then, either in person or through a trusted intermediary at the soonest possible moment. Some things are a bit too sensitive to put on paper.

That said, I have provided a note to your sister many months ago where I explained a number of such sensitive things. These were about Rhaena, myself, and Genevieve, and I think provided some level of elucidation for much that occurred. It was not about other third parties. That is the difference here.

I appreciate your criticism, meant constructively, I am sure, of my letter-writing skills. Meanwhile, you write as if you are speaking with a person. While undeniably personal, something of tone is lost.

The offer is straightforward. It is sensitive as well and something of a risk as you may use it to show my hand. A murderer is in Myrken. I have no proof but I do have an admitted grudge. He is careful and exacting. Stefan Berdini is the current proprietor of the Gilded Lily. During the Storyteller's rampage, the creation of New Golben, Rhaena's summer, people went missing. He is the connective tissue. He utilizes chaos and restraint (this latter tool being so rare in Myrken and often all that is necessary) to accomplish his ends. I'd have you enter the Gilded Lily utilizing your particular skills and look for evidence as such before he harms someone else. I assume you'd want the ledger even blacker still for compensation but if you had any other ideas, I'd entertain them.

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Re: Step 8

Postby Tolleson » Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:16 am

The reply arrived as swiftly as the first, by the same out of breath messenger as well.


Admittedly, it has been a long while since I’ve had an occasion to write. What a shame you cannot hear the loving lilt with which I would surely speak my words were we to converse in person. I only hope you remember me well enough to imagine it as you read my words.

I suspect I know when you wrote. It prompted my sister on a journey through the woods. She has the good sense to burn her letters, but lacks the ability to conceal her plans. I know she visited your brother-by-law and Kacela, and overpaid for guides too. As she is safely returned I won’t fault you for yet another injury; but I ask that you find another lackey for such dangerous errands.

I appreciate your forthrightness regarding the request, though I’m afraid you’ll have to forgive healthy suspicion. While I surely possess the skill to do what you ask, you must agree thanks to Myrken’s good justice and reformation I am no criminal. I do wonder, if it is somewhere written in those files you, and your former subordinates, hoard that I am some money-mad, greedy, treasure-hunter? There are mercenaries and highwaymen better suited to tasks for coin. Though whether or not they are adept, or would leave your name well enough removed from the politics, is another matter entirely.

I have little need to increase my financial holdings. However, I do fancy a favor from you, to be requested at some future date. Agree to this and I will see if the items you have requested can be procured.

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Re: Step 8

Postby Glenn » Fri Jul 20, 2018 2:20 am


To keep this brief and not take up much more of your time:

I remember the hair. Not much else. I always thought it was an odd mark for your profession. That is, if a strand ended up a dish in the act of washing, everyone would know it was you.

Your sister's business is her own. She was on no errand of mine, though explanations often lead to action. It's why I provide them so infrequently.

You, perhaps, overvalue my current worth as it pertains to favors, but this seems fair. You stalk a potential murderer's murky theater searching for I-Haven't-The-Slightest and I'll repay it with a favor later.

Expect the intermediary I promised at some point. I would keep a supply of rumcake not far, just in case.

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