Bjorn Glegan

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Bjorn Glegan
Title(s) Ser (formerly)
Archetype Fallen hero & Monster
Hair Colour Brown
Eye Colour Blue
Height 5'9"
Build Muscular
Notable Features Scarred right cheek
Born 163 AR
Crossroads, XG
Spouse(s) Sara (deceased)
Children Aida & Evan (deceased)
Profession Laborer or Woodsman
Religion One True Faith


He is a mercurial and deeply private; more comfortable in the company of trees than his fellow man. Stout and leanly built he is of no remarkable height. Ruddy of complexion, pale somewhat, with short and unruly hair the color of suede. His brows are hard like a hatchet's edge and his jaw hangs prominent with weathered but full cheeks and a scar that cut a pale line through the shadow of his beard. The man has got a pugilist's demeanor, tried and wrinkled more by strife than time. His rounded eyes, however, could be oddly soft and expressive in an otherwise rugged face. Yet still in them was a temperamental edge that came and went as capriciously as the passing clouds. His age is difficult to place, but the man appears to be in his mid-thirties.

He wears the simple clothes of a layman; sewn leather for use than defense. They are well made despite, not quite a beggar or a debtor, but the bright blues have gone out of his eyes and callouses make a unique hide of his hands. Work figures on him as plainly as a tamed horse dips its head to the bridle. He is mostly unarmed with only a set of daggers on him. One is conspicuous kept in his belt, surely used to carve a meal than a man, but the other is obscured beneath his jerkin, and it is a curved long-dagger with midnight black strappings so as to grip the hand as tightly as another digit. It is a rogue's weapon, and surely not something the man expected anyone to see.



He comes from the barony of Xanth Grange although the man will fabricate any number of stories to hide that fact. He was once a young knight and the son of a respected courtier. Willful and ambitious, he proved himself ruthless in tournaments and so rose quickly in esteem. He married at a young age, taking a lady's maid to bed, and to stay the embarrassment to both their families the couple was sent quickly to the alter. With his wife, Sara he fathered first a girl, Aida, and a newborn son, Evan.

In a time of peace he was eager to prove himself in true battle, but having none, he took to quests instead, championing them in the name of his lord. But having a reckless streak, Ser Glegan was not contented with pacifying vagrants nor was he eager to share his victory with other soldiers or knights. Instead he sought out the more dangerous and arcane threats and soon embarked on an ill fated attempt to slay the _____ of _____.

In truth Ser Glegan should have died that day he encountered the _____. It sparred him however the solace of death, but it cursed him for his foolish bravado -- that Ser Glegan had sought so much to be loved by his countrymen, that he'd pursued it with selfish ambition, ignoring his family, his children, and wife. Therefore, it cursed him to never know home, to be so deeply hated by all, and never again have what he had long neglected.

The _____ had cursed Ser Glegan with lycanthropy although the man would never know until it was far too late. Harried by his misadventure, Glegan returned crestfallen to his home, not knowing yet the depth of his undoing. But it was at that homecoming that the ____'s curse came to bitter fruition. The beast took away Glegan's humanity, and in his transformation he massacred his own family, his wife and two children, tearing them to pieces in an inconsolable rage. Horrified by what had happened, Glegan fled whilst his countrymen hunted after him, eager to burn him at the stake.

The Broken Dagger

Unable to control his transformations, the man could not remain long in the company of other humans, and so he was an aimless wanderer for many years. It wasn't until recently that he's discovered methods to placate the beast inside of him... through less than savory means. Even still, the man can only hide so long in a city. Eventually he must flee, and so it is now that he arrives in Myrken Wood to begin afresh.

The Present

He is a man of many skills and he plies it where it is wanted. Likely, he is working at the docks, but less well known is his willingness to handle less than legal work, having no more scruples or nobility to care for.


Major plot events in which the character has been involved.