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Ihmurria has hair of spun gold, light blonde, shimmering lengths that fall in straight paths to her gently sloping shoulders. Eye of green, eye of blue. Forest and sky, plant and sea. Mismatched depths, hardened gaze. She wears a simple shift of white cloth, tightened about her slender waist by roughly woven rope. Cloth of ivory draping to her feet, smudged and smeared and marred by dirt upon the hem. Arms left bared, sleeveless. Sculpted face, an artist's masterpiece. Unreal. Lips of satin, cheekbones of gorgeous definition. Clear sweep of her brow, slender length of her nose. Body thin, nearly too thin. Breasts small, hips tiny. Cheeks hollowed faintly. Long fingers, longer than most people's, like legs that raise her to 5'8". Longer than most, slender too. No pouch of coins. Two daggers thrust idly into the ropebelt, and a sword with runes upon her hip.