Sikasoon Mountains

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The Sikasoon Mountains form part of the borders between Derry, Myrken Wood, New Dauntless and Thessilane.

Long respected as the craggy domain the Dwarflords, their long and lingering decline and tendency to introspection and aloofness have sent men carefully exploring these imposing mountain ranges. Recent years have seen the humans of the lowlands increasingly daring - some might say brazen - in their exploration of the Sikasoon Mountains. The long and inexorable decline of the Sikasoon dwarves has left many of their mountain halls empty and abandoned, the sprawling networks of subterranean chambers surrendered to the deep darkness and the creatures that lurk therein. Enterprising humans have made efforts to clear and reopen some of these ancient Dwarven workings, picking over mines whose yield was deemed inadequate by their precursors, yet still offers enough to justify human toil.

This is not to say that dwarves are entirely departed - they yet inhabit a handful of their most well-defended strongholds, and have a longstanding (if pragmatic) relationship with the province of Derry, having historically gifted the rulers of Wrexham with intricate machines or weapons of keen Dwarven steel. Those who are less adventurous settle instead for tapping the iron and coal deposits in the Sikasoon foothills. The town of Wheldale serves many the mines of the Iron Mountains, a small spur of the Sikasoons, and the ore gleaned is taken to be smelted in the foundries of Ashmund and Kilnley. From there the ingots are shipped to the forges of Minehead to be crafted into tools, implements and weapons, or sold in the metal market of Foggy Bottom.