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Stone gets his name from his expression, which virtually never changes. This Goblin doesn't speak much - in fact, few outside of the Ugly Squad have ever heard him utter a word. Like Stomp, Stone is another nonviolent money-maker in the group - as one might expect from an expressionless Goblin, his games deal with cards. And he's awfully good at them.

Stone is also the pilot of the Squad's zeppelin, and he's as good as anybody really can be piloting a large, ungainly balloon.


Stone is another average Goblin, sharper in appearance than some of his cohorts. He often wears a pair of aviator goggles, even during card games - except at the specific request not to. His expression does pretty much never change, and the one he's left with doesn't really say...anything. He's not scowling, he isn't smiling, his face just isn't doing...anything.

Other Description

Much of Stone's knack for the cards comes from his unchanging expression, though he's also become quite intimate with many popular and even fringe games. Coupled with his ability to read faces - gained after years of playing a myriad of card games in a myriad of locales around the world - Stone usually takes away a considerable amount from the table.

And when he doesn't, Smash usually breaks the other players' legs.


See Ugly Squad.

Current Status

Stone is likely off with the rest of the Ugly Squad enjoying general shenanigans. Not that you could tell from his face, though.