Gad Phuri

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Gad Phuri built his life and reputation on entertainment of the people. A lifelong drifter, Phuri made his home in Myrken Wood when his ailing wife, Hebecka, could not be seen fit to travel any longer.

After living three years in the region, the retired actor declared his Governorship by setting up Office in a long-neglected Meetinghouse at town's centre. Much like his presence on stage, the audience of citizens was glad for his action and posed no resistance to Governor Phuri's shaping of the land's own Government. Gad Phuri was unaware of any previous establishment of local government having been instituted in Myrken Wood, and until his death, his appropriately themed Myrken Wood Judiciary Council was the only to have gained a participating audience.

Governor Phuri and the members of his Judiciary Council were an unopposed team of legal experts and land owners - a group that eventually caught the attention of King Chedwry I of Amasynia. In time, a King's man would be appointed to the Council to act as a liasion (and to keep the Myrken Wood miscreants from embarrassing the King whose rule was over this god-forsaken land) but this would not happen in Gad's lifetime.

There were rumours that the Phuris had underground dealings in the region. Laughably, one story states that the Governor used the Myrken Gaol to host fight rings made up of prisoners - sometimes importing exiled men who were living on Hexal - to gamble and profit.

Dark days came upon Myrken Wood when the Phuris were murdered in their home. Bodies were discovered by then resident, Aloisius Treadwell, who bore a remarkable resemblance to the Governor. Unbeknownst, citizens accepted Treadwell as Gad Phuri for a very long time, until Treadwell decided to reveal his true name. He then accepted a seat on the Council.