We invite and encourage players to introduce new storylines for other players to enjoy. Roleplaying is a highly collaborative endeavour, and the more players are engaged in offering one another opportunities for interesting RP the better.
To aid in this, there follows a collection of suggestions, guidelines and recommendations to help you run an enjoyable, engaging and successful plot.
Staff Approval
Permanent changes to the core setting (the Broken Dagger, Myrkentown, Myrken Wood and the Amasynian Province) require approval from the Ops team before being put into effect. These can generally be broken down into:
- Altering or removing pre-existing setting elements. Destroying prominent landmarks, killing large numbers of NPCs, killing prominent NPCs you did not create yourself, etc.
- Large-scale events which affect the core setting. Natural disasters, military invasions, changes to the social order, famine, plague, etc.
If in doubt, talk to a member of channel staff.
Things to consider when planning a plot for others.
- Accessibility. Is it easy for characters to get involved? How easily can characters join the plot once it’s begun? How easy is it to opt out if a player decides they’re not interested?
- Agency. Roleplaying is most engaging when players have an active hand in shaping the course of events. Allow the players room to influence how the story unfolds, such that the outcome they reach will be affected by the actions they take and the decisions they make. Make sure the players feel that their input has made a difference.
- Requirements. What sort of characters will best be able to contribute to the plot? Is it mainly fighting monsters and breaking heads, or navigating the subtleties of high society? Do characters require a specific skill, ability or piece of knowledge to become involved? Will characters who lack this skill, ability or knowledge have anything meaningful to do?
- Scope. How much of the setting will this plot affect? Will it only impact those directly involved, or will it have wider consequences? Will this effect be short-term? Long-term? Permanent? What kind of power levels are involved? Is it a clash of cosmic powers or a more ground-level conflict? Can lowly mortals affect the outcome? Can it prove a challenge even to powerful champions and mighty heroes?
- Flexibility. Consider different ways the plot might be resolved – or derailed. FFRP characters can have a very wide range of abilities and power levels. What if a capable magic-user gets involved? Be prepared to adjust events in response to character actions – including character actions you never anticipated. Your plot may get cut short or circumvented by PC actions – if so, roll with it. Revise and improvise rather than trying to force the plot to follow your preconceived narrative.
- Conclusion. Does the plot have a specific endpoint or victory (or loss) condition? Stories generally have a finite duration; if a plot goes on for too long your players will lose interest in it – or you will. Have something satisfying in mind for the point at which the plot requires a resolution. If you find your interest waning, do your best to bring the plot to a reasonable end rather than leaving it unresolved.
- Aftermath. How will this plot effect the characters and setting after its conclusion? Will it destroy existing elements or introduce new ones? How will these new elements (or loss of existing elements) affect future roleplay? What lessons will be learned?