
A selection of common goods and typical prices.


Ale ½d / tankard
Beer ½d / tankard
Rum 8d / tankard
Whisky 1s / tankard
Brandy 1s / glass
Wine (Derry Red) 1s / bottle
Wine (Rasazani) 2s / bottle


Breads & Cereals

Bread 2d / loaf
Biscuit 1½d / pound
Oatmeal 5s 4d / bushel
Honey 8d / ½ gallon


Fruits & Vegetables

Apples ¼d for 3
Onions ½d / bushel
Raisins 3d / lb



Beef 3d / lb
Mutton 1 ½d / lb
Goose 4d
Chicken 1d
Quail ½d
Herrings 3s / 200
Oysters 4d / bushel



Butter 3d / lb
Cheese 2d / lb
Curds and whey 2d / ½ gallon
Eggs 2d / dozen



Garlic ¼d / strand
Sugar 1s / lb
Cloves 11s / lb
Cinnamon 10s 6d / lb
Ginger 3s 8d / lb